pregnancy Physical Therapy
Pregnancy related Pain
Pubic symphysis Pain (or “lightning crotch”)
Lower back pain
Hip pain
Tailbone pain
Rib pain
Pelvic pain (with intimacy, using the bathroom, resting, or with activity)
Pelvic girdle pain (pain that seems to wrap around from the front to back on one or both sides)
Pain with walking (or the pregnancy waddle)
Plantar fasciitis or foot/ankle pain
Carpal tunnel or hand/wrist pain
Prenatal Care
Incontinence, urinary leakage
Urinary frequency and urgency
Constipation (hard, infrequent or difficult to pass stool)
Bowel urgency or leakage (leakage of solid, liquid or gas)
Managing hemorrhoids or painful bowel movements
Pelvic organ prolapse (feeling of pelvic pressure, heaviness, bulging, dragging)
Pain with intimacy (new or ongoing)
Nutrition for bowel/bladder health and overall pregnancy wellness
Activity and exercise prescription (how and when to move or exercise based on your body, goals, limitations)

Birth Preparation
Our Birth Prep Program consists of sessions spread across the 3 trimesters and includes:
How to relax the pelvic floor well in preparation for delivery
How to contract the pelvic floor effectively in cases of pressure, heaviness, and for optimal postpartum recovery
Best pushing strategies for your body and to reduce pelvic floor injury during delivery
Ideal pushing positions to avoid pelvic floor injury and finding those that feel best in your body
Education and tools for pain management and movement for both stage 1 and 2 of labor
Collaboration with you partner to teach pain management and supportive techniques
Education on current research and best practices for births in various settings
Preparing your physical space for labor, how your environment impacts your nervous system and birth
How to advocate for you, your baby, and your desires/needs in any birth space
What questions to ask your provider
How vaginal or cesarean recoveries are similar/different
Education on the types of interventions available in various birth settings and pros/cons of each one - to help you make informed decisions about your care
Prenatal and postpartum nutrition for optimal pregnancy and postpartum
Preparing for postpartum healing
Postpartum movement, return to exercise and how to reconnect to your pelvic floor
What symptoms to look for postpartum that warrant treatment or discussion with a provider
What is normal/not normal after having a baby
What to expect with your first bowel movement or care for hemorrhoids